What we are looking for
The King Edward's Consortium seeks to recruit applicants who:
- hold a degree and/or have significant work experience which is a good match with their chosen teaching subject;
- have a passion for their subject;
- demonstrate competence in the fundamental English and mathematics proficiencies outlined by the Department for Education (2019);
- are able to work effectively with young people;
- are confident, motivated and well-organised;
- can work constructively with other people in a team;
- are self-aware and open to learning;
- can embrace and engender a climate of equality, diversity and inclusion;
- are able to communicate in accurate, confident written and spoken Standard English;
- reveal insights into teaching and learning;
- express a long-term commitment to teaching as a career;
- wish to take up teaching employment in England (usually in KEC or other local schools) at the end of the programme.
Partnership leaders say ‘you can tell a KEC trainee a mile-off’. They are right. Trainees are highly professional, reflective and dedicated.
Ofsted, 2021